INIA’s Satellite Centre for Sub-Saharan Africa in collaboration with the Dave Omokaro Foundation, Nigeria (DOF), worked together in organising it’s first virtual training programme in Ageing Policy Formulation Planning, Implementation and Policy Related Aspects. This programme was held virtually between the 17-19, 25-26 February 2021.
During the opening of the policy programme, Professor Marvin Formosa (Director INIA) and Dr Emem Omokaro (Founder Dave Omokaro Foundation) delivered an opening speech, which paved the way to the 5-day programme. Various topics were held during this policy programme. Topics included: Africa’s Response to ageing demographics, and it’s implications for older persons, family and community; Ageism; Human rights and elder abuse; Common diseases and medical conditions of older persons; WHO healthy ageing and ICOPE strategy for resilient later life; Long-term and palliative care options in Africa; Dementia, Mental health of older persons and cultural orientation – Integrating medical and social support systems; Basic geriatric care and home health services: Regulatory agencies and certification of care givers; Care of older persons in rural and remote communities; Social protection & emerging issues; Age-friendly communities; Reviews of MIPPA , Participants’ national polices on ageing or social protection; Enabling Policy Mechanisms and experience: Linking local to global priority issues of MIPAA, 2030 SDGs and AU framework; and Industry aspect of ageing and solutions economy.
This programme comprised of participants hailing from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Cameroon, Uganda, Gambia, Bostwana, and Gana, to which in representing their respective countries all participants presented a county report of their reviews of the MIPPA, Agenda 2030/AU Protocol. Rosette Farrugia-Bonello (Deputy Director, INIA) together with Dr Emem Omokaro brought a close to the 5-day policy programme and certificates were disseminated to all participants.