Vol 2. No. 1
Cover Pages and Table of Contents
Editorial Brian Findsen
Later life learning in Botswana, Nigeria and South Africa: A contextual analysis Akpovire Oduaran
Education for older adults in Tanzania: Trends, issues and concerns Mpoki J. Mwaikokesya and Philemon A. K. Mushi
‘Good Living’ and the education of older adults José Alberto Yuni and Claudio Ariel Urbano
On ‘learning for leisure’ and the margins of mainstream education: AcriticalreviewoftheUniversityofthe Third Age Movement in Malaysia Ibrahim Rahimah, Zakaria Noor Syamilah, Hamid Tengku Aizan, and Chai Sen Tyng
Long-term care of older persons in India: Learning to deal with challenges Ilango Ponnuswami and Rangasamy Rajasekaran
Book Reviews
Pachana, N.A. (2016). Ageing: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 152 pp. ISBN 978-01-987- 253-29 A review by Banu Cangoz and Yesim Gokce Kutsal
Gawande, A. (2014). Being mortal: Medicine and what matters in the end. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 282 pp. ISBN: 978-1-62779-055 A review by Elaine M. Eliopoulos