Volume 6, Number 2
Ageing in the Middle-East and North Africa: Demographic and health trends Abdulrazak Abyad
Egypt Hala S. Sweed and Manar Maamoun
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohammed A. Basheikh and Hashim Balubaid
Maghreb Countries Sonia Ouali-Hammami and Salem Bouomrani
Jordan Lana J. Halaseh
Book Reviews
Population change in Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa: Beyond the demographic divide. Matthijs, K., Neels, K., Timmerman, C., & Haers, J. (Eds.). (2015). Population change in Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa: Beyond the demographic divide. Routledge, 330 pp. ISBN 9781138546752
Rural elderly and their quest for health Jadhav, A. (Ed.). (2021). Rural elderly and their quest for health. AuthorsUpFront, 309 pp. ISBN:978-93-87280-90-8