LASI is envisioned as a nationally representative survey older adults aged 45+ in India and all states and union territories that will be conducted every 3 years for the next 25 years. The Study is funded by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE) , Government of India; National Institute of Ageing/National Institute of Health (NIA/NIH), USA and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)- India.
The (LASI) is a national survey of scientific investigation of the health, economic, and social determinants and consequences of population ageing in India. The LASI is India’s first and the world’s largest study that provides a longitudinal database for designing policies and programmes for the older population in the broad domains of social, health and economic wellbeing. The LASI is internationally harmonised with the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and its sister studies around the world to enable cross-national comparisons. IIPS is conducting LASI in collaboration with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and University of Southern California, USA.
The main objective of the LASI is to provide a comprehensive scientific evidence base on demographics, household economic status, chronic health conditions, symptom-based health conditions, functional health, mental health (cognition and depression), biomarkers, health insurance and healthcare utilization, family and social networks, social security programmes, work and employment, retirement, satisfaction, and life expectations.
The LASI, wave 1 covered a panel sample of 72,250 individuals aged 45 and above, including 31,464 older persons aged 60 and above and 6,749 oldest-old persons aged 75 and above from 35 states and union territories (UTs) of India . The LASI Wave 1 field survey was conducted from April 2017 to December 2018. LASI is India’s first longitudinal ageing study and the largest ageing study in the world.
LASI India Report was released on 6 th January 2021 by India’s Health Minister. The LASI India Report, Executive Summary and Fact Sheets for States/UTs are available on IIPS website for download.